New Member of the Family

First off, my pregnancy was very hard. I had gestational diabetes and high blood pressure and constant headaches along with being sick the first few months. I never gained one pound thankfully I only lost weight. I was admitted to the hospital at 16 weeks with pyelonephritis, and again at 35 weeks because my blood pressure was super high. I had my 26th birthday hoping that I'd have Oswin on my birthday. That didn't happen... So I started having minor contractions on my birthday and they got more regular and closer by the next day, admittedly I wasn't due till September 9th and my induction date was set for September 2nd.

I went to dinner with my in laws for my birthday and was having contractions that were about 3-4 minutes apart and 30-40 seconds long. I went to the bathroom and rejoiced thinking I'd be going into labor soon as I had lost a small piece if my mucus plug. But nothing. The next day I was still determined to have Oswin. So I went for a walk with my mother but I was not feeling well at all. I was having the contractions and I was swollen and my head was hurting off and on. So a few hours later I called my OB's office. I told them what was going on and they wanted to see me ASAP. Like within 30 mins of getting off the phone. So Jeff drove me over there. When I got there I my Bp was 142/102 my urine had 2+protein in it and I was pretty swollen. So my OB said the best thing to do is to deliver Oswin as soon as possible since I had developed Preeclampsia. I was both relieved but scared at the same time. My scheduled induction was still 5 days away. It hit me like a truck the realization that I was going to have my baby soon.

My OB informed me that she was going out of town and would be having her partner take care of me and she assured me that she was wonderful. So off to the hospital we were sent and Jeff had to go to work. So we picked up his mom on the way. (It was so wonderful having her there because I was getting really nervous on the inside, and being alone would have not helped that at all). One of the first things they did was try to start and iv on me. This was such a torturous part of the whole process! Took them 8 tries to get a good one and one of the nurses hit a nerve and that hurt like hell. Basically I had bruises like crazy and some might think I was a druggie from all my new needle holes (which have I mentioned, I HATE needles!) I was able to get some dinner in me and then had my first dose of this pill that is supposed to get things started and to thin you out. I had that about 8 pm oh yea this was all on 8/28/14. So the pill was inserted into my cervix and I was told to stay in bed so the pill wouldn't fall out and could slowly do it's job. Still having my own contractions at this point but nothing new quite yet. Had a second dose of the meds a few hours later and was also given a sleeping pill. I slept terribly! About 2-3 hours the whole night. At 6 am the next morning they started me on pitocin. They slowly started to dial up the dose. At first the contractions were okay but started getting a bit harder and I went into the jacuzzi tub to get some relief.

8 hours later I was finally dilated to barely a 1. They broke my water around 2pm and that hurt like hell. The dr was nice enough to let me have the epidural at 1cm. I got that and it was hard to stay still. The main part that hurt was the numbing part, after that it was fine. I was laid down and I was able to roll myself from side to side and move around some. I felt much better and more relief after the epidural. A few hours later the epidural started to wear off which was not fun. So they gave me another dose of the meds and man was I shaking uncontrollably. I was a while later dilated to a 4-5 and by 19 hrs I was having lots of pain again and was given more meds and was dilated to a 10! Within 1 hr I dilated about 5 cm! I was so tired though that I had to take a nap. 20 minutes and I was good and we decided to do a practice push since my epidural meds ran all the way out. It apparently proved to be working (the pushing) so they called the dr and I began pushing. 10 minutes later and Oswin Elizabeth hooker was born into the world at 2:10 am! She was 7 lbs 14.6 ounces and she latched great at birth and has been awesome ever since!

She is now three weeks old and the last time we weighed her she was 17 days old she weighed 9lbs 6oz! She is a good baby that doesn't cry much (probably because I don't let her cry because I tend to her needs as she is making the ques early). She is my perfect little piece of heaven, I love her with all my being. So much that I have a hard time letting her go and am very protective of her. So if I don't let you touch or hold her, don't take it personally, I don't let a lot of people do that at this point.


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