The beginning of a new life

Well, I have caved in once more following the herd and creating a new blog. To share my thoughts, tell stories of my new life with my wonderful husband and our CRAZY  cat Belle.

Jeffrey and I met several years ago at a church activity in the Eugene YSA. I saw him and thought 'He is something else, so handsome, articulate I need to know him!' So I just ended up talking to him a while later when I had the courage. At first we were kinda nice friends but with a hint of more than just friends. We would stay at the institute sometimes till 1 AM just chatting, sometimes playing chess. I waited and waited for him to make a move and make things more than just friends, and I made it obvious like a sore thumb that I wanted that. But alas he was shy and wasn't the type to just go for it (he really didn't even know if I really liked him, silly boy). Time passed and we drifted apart, I started dating someone  and he continued school.

A few months later I went on a rafting trip and who did I find there? Jeff. He came up to me all mighty man with an ore in his hand asking me to go on the raft with him. Of course I had brought my current boyfriend along, which made things both awkward and interesting. Jeff the whole time was vying for my attention and he certainly got it. Things didn't work out with my boyfriend (we actually ended up being very good friends).

A bit later I got up the courage and asked Jeff out. Yes it was me, he still was awkward and shy. We went to a lake in Eugene, OR and he brought sandwiches and Dr. Pepper to drink. Of course earlier in my flirtatious and I'm going to let you know way, I put up on Facebook that I had a crush. So of course Jeffrey wanted to know who this crush was, I kept thinking (do you have a thick skull?! It's you!). So after him grilling me I admitted that it was him. I was fairly impressed with myself, got to go out with my crush and let him know I really liked him.

Jeff and I continued to date for about 3 weeks, then he left on his mission to Cuernevaca, Mexico. I told him I wouldn't wait for him because I already wasted 2 years of my life waiting for a missionary and had my heart broken. He understood but was a bit heartbroken. Awhile after Jeffrey left I got sad and lonely like any girl does, and I got in a relationship and not the best one either. I got engaged (big mistake, but it taught me a good lesson). It lasted for a few months but I ended it, I realized that I couldn't stop thinking of Jeff when I was with him.

Jeffrey and I started to talk again and we got back together. After awhile of talking, we both admitted that we fell in love with each other before he had left and even more since we had talked. time passed on and we grew closer together, but I felt that I was coming in between him and his mission so I broke it off with him. Time passed and a month before he got home we started to talk again and I was invited to his homecoming. Seeing him for the first time in 2 years made my heart stop. He was so handsome, he had grown a lot, he looked more like a man than a teen and he had this wonderful presence about him (it must have been that fresh of the grill missionary look).

Jeff and I started dating again but it didn't work out like we thought, we had an off and on again relationship which I am SURE was giving our families whiplash. After about 5-6 months of just being friends I couldn't bare it anymore. I had asked my girl friend to ask him if he still liked me but not to tell him. Little did I know he would do the same. So she ended up being the monkey in the middle not being able to tell the other how they felt. So I decided to just bluntly ask him, 'Do you want to give this another try or what?' His answer was yes. We had started dating again and it was going splendid, except for the fact that he was leaving for BYU-I in 2 months. We had started talking (again) about getting married and we decided we wanted to.

When Jeff left for BYU-I I had lost my other half. I ended up going at the end of May to see him and he proposed to me on May 28th 2011 at the Rexburg, Idaho temple. Of course we had to kind of 'break in' as Jeff calls it. The gates were shut but we snuck past where it was open so he could be as romantic as possible. I went back home with a giant rock on my finger, giggling like a school girl, showing my friends my new jewel I got.

Almost 2 months later Jeff got home and decided he wanted to go back to the U of O for school instead of BYU-I. I was happy with that decision, I didn't want to live in a frigid state (60 is cold for me). Jeff and I started to think about plans for the wedding but weren't really good at planning it. His parents were AMAZING with helping. His mom went to the moon and back and was so wonderful and I love her for it. His mom and dad and relatives decorated our reception for us  (I ended up throwing up most of the time from nerves realizing my life is changing!)  

Our wedding day was the best day of my life to this very moment. We got married in the Portland, Oregon temple on December 17th 2011. We had our family there and a few friends. It was PERFECT. I had gained a husband and a new wonderful family, you could feel the love in the room. It was amazing. We went on our honeymoon to Seattle, WA, best choice ever. I will forever have special place in my heart for Seattle.

Speed it up a few months and here we are almost 10 months of being married, coming up on a year soon! And not pregnant! whoo! I have beat peoples bets, most of my family said a year or some 18 months, but one said 9 months, I would die. I am a bit selfish and just want my husband to myself for a few years, to really build up our life and a good foundation to bring our children in on, we just aren't as prepared for it as some other people. But to those who did, kudos to you. :) Raising children is what I have seen, hard, but worth it.

I think I will leave this at that and write more later, my bed is calling me and my feet are cold.


  1. I never heard the whole story and you both are cute together! I can't believe it has been almost a year. I think it is smart to wait on kids and be close 1st. Steven and I waited 3 and we have no regrets! Miss seeing you in 3rd ward and wish I had a car so I could meet you somewhere for lunch. Keep up the blog girl.

  2. Thank you! :) I miss having friends. lol Maybe we should set up a time to get together. :D

    1. Ya girl, and we all need friends. I am such a hermit with no car that I usually have them come here lol. I have a movie night on the 12th if you want to come over. It will be me Amy Dilg and Erin Fine and some others I think! Would love to see you! P.S. Are we going to twilight part 2???

  3. That is a cool story and congratulations on your marriage. Welcome to Blogger. I look forward to reading more from you.


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