My troubles with finding friends

I have always had a problem with making friends. I have always been the shy type, the one who sits in a corner alone. Sometimes I can get out of my shell and be friendly and talk non-stop, but other times it doesn't work very well. Some people say that I have an abrasive personality, hard to deal with. Some people don't want to be friends with me and continue to talk about mean things about me. It hurts my feeling and I get more closed off to the world, and to the inhabitants.

But I have learned to try and be better than that. To put it behind me and say 'If you don't want to be my friend because I am rough around the edges, that's your problem.'  Starting in life we are all like a lump of coal, and through all the pressures of life and through every beating of life we go through we get polished and refined. At the end we will all end up like a diamond, and beautiful diamond with a limitless worth. So if you can't stand how I am, who I am, don't go around complaining about it. Just deal with it, you don't have to be my friend, but I don't appreciate your hurtful words.

A child of God doesn't grow from being talked down to or being told they are horrible, they grow from love and encouragement  This doesn't just go for me, it goes for all the people out there who suffer from peoples mean words. I could say you only say those things because you are jealous, but the fact is, I don't know why. Only you do, and only you can fix it. A favor I ask, at least be kind to the next person, don't try to ruin everybody's self confidence. Help people, help them grow, help them shine, and love them unconditionally.


  1. I've been having some troubles making friends too, but for slightly different reasons. I think this means we should be friends and save each other from loneliness, aye? Jenna

  2. I agree. :) Jeff and I need people to sit next to in church. Plus you have a cute baby. :) Babies make everything better. How is Miss Amelia?

    1. Great. She's getting chubby... Speaking of church, I looked for you last week and didn't see you two!

    2. Yeah her pictures are SO CUTE! :) I left during sacrament. Jeff was sick and I just felt kinda alone. No one ever wants to sit by us. I'm just shy and I had a bit of a breaking moment. lol But Amelia's blessing and her dress was very beautiful. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Yes Adam, you are my friend.. And my Brother-in-law. :P lol


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